Homo Ludens

Johan Huizinga as a young manWhile I make my work public, the fear comes over me that many will consider it an insufficiently documented improvisation, in spite of all the labor that went into it. It is the fate of anyone who wants to deal with cultural topics, that he is compelled to make incursions into all sorts of provinces which he has not sufficiently explored. To fill all the gaps in my knowledge beforehand was out of the question for me, and by using references to justify details, I made it easy on myself. I had to write now or not at all. It was something very close to my heart. So, I wrote”

(Johan Huizinga, Introduction to Homo Ludens 1938)

De Dutch journal De Groene Amsterdammer is hosting a contest to let their readers choose which Dutch non-fiction books that are currently out of print, deserve to be republished as a print on demand version. Together with Amsterdam University Press, Athenaeum Bookstore publishes the fabulous abc-series in PoD. The citation above comes from the beautiful book Homo Ludens, written by Dutch historian Johan Huizinga. Homo Ludens is part of the abc-series (Athenaeum Boekhandel Canon), a great initiative to revive classics that need and deserve to be available, either digital or in print.

Homo LudensHomo Ludens PoD


One response to “Homo Ludens”

  1. […] studious historian, would be at the forefront of these kind of digital experiments? For as I wrote before, one of Huizinga’s other great works, Homo Ludens, was part of an AUP/Athenaeum Bookstore POD […]

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