Special Issue: The disrupted Journal of Media Practice – 6 Conversations around Media Practice – Join in Now!

Underneath the announcement of the special issue we are collaboratively editing for the Journal of Media Practice. I have submitted a paper on ‘Performative Publications’ which I will be writing in hypothes.is, an open annotation software. I will write my paper in installments during the course of the conversations on the platform from July until September. I would like to invite you to interact with my paper, to add your thoughts, ideas and suggestions in hypothes.is, either reflecting on the performative project the paper refers to, or on the topic of performative publications more in general. Using hypothes.is in this way enables the comments to become part of this publication and with that of this performative project. The contributors to the conversations on the JMP platform, as well as the potential peer reviewers, through their comments and suggestions will all become active participants in this evolving project, which is both open-ended in time and collaborative in authorship.


From July 1st until September 15th 2016 The disrupted Journal of Media Practice will host 6 conversations around media practice, based upon and centred around various papers-in-progress by international media artists, practitioners and theorists, and that will together make up this special issue of the Journal of Media Practice. This special issue—guest edited by the Centre for Disruptive Media and Disruptive Media Learning Lab—will experiment with how media practice, in rethinking research as practice, could also disrupt the way we mediate this research through various formal and informal scholarly forms (including the academic journal).

The aim of this open access special issue is to put forward a number of provocations with respect to what a ‘journal of media practice’ should or could be. To provide an alternative to the standard journal article, the guest editors have therefore structured this issue around a selection of conversations to emphasise the evolving and collaborative nature of research. These conversations focus on: Performative Publishing; Processual ResearchPractice-based MethodologiesDebating Media Practice PublishingMultimodal Research; and Politics and Economics. The submissions around which these conversations are centred are multimodal, text-based or hybrid; articles, blog posts or books. The conversations will openly evolve (from ‘drafts’ to ‘final versions’ and beyond), incorporating peer commentary and reviews from invited media practitioners and the audience at large, from July 1st until September 15th 2016.

We would like to invite you to join our conversations around media practice research, by commenting on the papers-in-progress and by drawing further connections; by asking questions, and making suggestions. The conversations are structured with the help of hypothes.is, an open annotation tool for the web. For more information about how to use hypothes.is and how to add the specific tags we are using to structure our conversations around the submissions to this special issue, please see here: http://journal.disruptivemedia.org.uk/2016/06/28/using-hypothes-is/


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