Remix Manifesto



RiP: A remix manifesto, is the first Open Source documentary, in which film maker Brett Gaylor (founder of invites the public to remix his footage in his participatory media experiment. The documentaryexplores issues of copyright in the information age, mashing up the media landscape of the 20th century and shattering the wall between users and producers’. With appearances by Lawrence Lessig, the Creative Commons founder who just published his great new book Remix (also see my previous post about Science Commons) and Cory Doctorow, our favorite blogger over at Boing Boing and writer of the equally great (and freely downloadable) book Content.

Underneath you can find the trailer of the documentary and you can contribute your own mash-up here.



Update April 6th 2009: you can now watch RIP: A remix Manifesto – version 1.0 – here:



4 responses to “Remix Manifesto”

  1. […] documentary (series), which follows the same idea as the remix documentary RiP I wrote about before, putting raw (searchable) footage and snippets of what is to become the final documentary online, […]

  2. […] liquid. This can be seen in music foremost but also in movies and documentaries, as I wrote about before, and in books. Some examples of fluidity in this respect can be seen in the unbook movement for […]

  3. […] model) while launching his documentary online as a free download. I have written about RiP before here and since then the (CC licensed) feature length film has only gained more popularity and media […]

  4. […] A Remix Manifesto’, by Brett Gaylor, at CoDE a few weeks ago. I wrote about RIP before here and here. The screening was followed by an interesting panel discussion between Bill Thompson, Becky Hogge, […]

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