Tag: Wikipedia

  • Open Media Research Seminars – Series 5

    Open Media Research Seminars – Series 5

    Tuesday the 23rd of October Nathaniel Tkacz will give the first talk in the fifth series of Research Seminars at Coventry University  on ‘Open Media’. The seminar series is accompanied by a blog that provides more information about the speakers, the theme and the seminars. You can find it here. Underneath the full program for…

  • Open Media Research Seminars – Series 4

    Open Media Research Seminars – Series 4

    Tuesday 31st of January Tessa J. Houghton will give the first talk in the fourth series of Research Seminars at Coventry University  on ‘Open Media’. The seminar series is accompanied by a blog that provides more information about the speakers, the theme and the seminars. You can find it here. Underneath the full program for…

  • New Visions for the Book III: Liquid Books

    New Visions for the Book III: Liquid Books

    Part 3 – Fluidity deconstructed As Hall has shown, the use of wikis to experiment with new ways of writing and collaborating offers a lot of potential for collaborative and distributive research and publishing practices. However, I feel they are only one possible step towards liquid publications and cannot as yet be perceived as real…

  • Governance in Times of Change

    Last week I attended the International Conference – Digital publishing and its governance: between knowledge and power, which was held from April 28th-30th in Paris. The conference was organized by Sens Public with support from INHA-Invisu, tge-ADONIS, CNRS and DARIAH. The conference focused on how digitally induced practices in the Humanities and Social Sciences are…