Tag: Technology

  • Software Theory – Federica Frabetti

    Software Theory – Federica Frabetti

    Culture Machine Live, a series of podcasts which consider a range of issues including the digital humanities, internet politics, the future of cultural studies, cultural theory and philosophy, is pleased to announce its latest episode: ‘Software Theory – Federica Frabetti‘ http://culturemachinepodcasts.podbean.com/e/software-theory-federica-frabetti/ This interview with media theorist Federica Frabetti by Janneke Adema focuses on Frabetti’s recently…

  • #OAbooks in the HSS: Contexts, Conversations, Technologies and Communities of Practice

    #OAbooks in the HSS: Contexts, Conversations, Technologies and Communities of Practice

    Last week I attended the first major conference entirely dedicated to Open Access books in the HSS, in the British Library, organised by OAPEN and JISC. The two-day conference had a fantastic line-up of keynote speakers, established and new experimental projects in open access book publishing, and practical strands on funding, publishing for scholars and…

  • Notes on Unbound Books – A Conference Report (Part II)

    One of the most interesting sessions on the last day of The Unbound Book conference, was the session on Future Publishing Industries. According to the program the session focused on the affordances and political economies of the publishing industry and libraries. Underneath a small summary of three of the papers presented on the panel and…

  • Full circle with Open Access Monographs

    After a previous guest post where he developed an interesting forecast related to academic publishing, Ronald Snijder is back with his thoughts on Open Access monographs. You can reach him at r.snijder@aup.nl Full circle with Open Access Monographs   When I look at publishing academic books in Open Access, the story surrounding it tends to…

  • The Public Domain and Digital Natives

    Two weeks ago I visited the wonderful city of Turin to attend the International Conference University and Cyberspace. Reshaping Knowledge Institutions for the Networked Age, the closing conference of The COMMUNIA Thematic Network. As they state on their website, COMMUNIA aims at becoming a European point of reference for theoretical analysis and strategic policy discussion…