Tag: Ronald Snijder

  • Why I am not an OA zealot

    This is a guest post by Ronald Snijder. Ronald has been involved in OAPEN since 2008. Apart from doing IT related stuff, he’s an external PhD candidate at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (Leiden University). Occasionally on Twitter: @ronaldsnijder. Why I am not an OA zealot Open Access publishing inspires strong emotions by…

  • OAPEN-NL Final Report

    OAPEN-NL Final Report

    Last Tuesday, during Open Access Week, the final report of the OAPEN-NL project was presented at the seminar ‘Open Access for academic books in the Netherlands’. As one of the co-authors of the report I focused on the qualitative aspects of the OAPEN-NL research, looking at user needs and expectations concerning OA monographs. You can…

  • Full circle with Open Access Monographs

    After a previous guest post where he developed an interesting forecast related to academic publishing, Ronald Snijder is back with his thoughts on Open Access monographs. You can reach him at r.snijder@aup.nl Full circle with Open Access Monographs   When I look at publishing academic books in Open Access, the story surrounding it tends to…

  • The academic publisher in 2020

    My friend and colleague Ronald Snijder has written a very interesting forecast related to academic publishing. He asked me to publish it here, which I am happy to do. I would also like to draw your attention to the very interesting article Ronald wrote, entitled ‘The profits of free books: an experiment to measure the…