Tag: Mark Amerika

  • Experimental Publishing II – Critique, Intervention, And Speculation

    Experimental Publishing II – Critique, Intervention, And Speculation

    A half-day symposium with talks by Mark Amerika (UC Boulder) and Nick Thurston (University of Leeds) 2:15-5:30pm May 28 Centre for Postdigital Cultures Teaching Room 3rd Floor Lanchester Library Coventry University Registration (free): https://www.coventry.ac.uk/research/about-us/research-events/2019/experimental-publishing-ii2/ In 2019 and 2020, the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) will be hosting a series of symposia exploring contemporary approaches to experimental publishing. Over…

  • Launch of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures

      7th February 3.00pm Disruptive Media Learning Lab (Coventry University) Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/launch-of-the-centre-for-postdigital-cultures-tickets-41968258190 You are invited to the launch of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), a new Faculty Research Centre at Coventry University. The launch will include keynote talks by 3 internationally esteemed speakers:   Cornelia Sollfrank (Zurich University of the Arts) Monika Bakke (Adam…

  • Disrupting the Humanities: Towards Posthumanities

    Disrupting the Humanities: Towards Posthumanities

    I am very pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of the Journal of Electronic Publishing: ‘Disrupting the Humanities: Towards Posthumanities’, edited by Gary Hall and myself. This special issue consists of a selection of video-articles by contributors including Mark Amerika, Monika Bakke, Endre Dányi, Johanna Drucker, Lesley Gourlay, Sarah Kember, Silvio Lorusso, Erin Manning,…

  • On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part III)

    On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part III)

    Chapter 6 of my thesis explores both the discursive-material practices that have promoted the idea and use of the book as a fixed object of communication, as well as more fluid, flowing visions of information transmission that are commonly attached to digital forms of communication. It focuses on why it is that we cut and…

  • On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part II)

    On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part II)

    Chapter 6 of my thesis explores both the discursive-material practices that have promoted the idea and use of the book as a fixed object of communication, as well as more fluid, flowing visions of information transmission that are commonly attached to digital forms of communication. It focuses on why it is that we cut and…

  • Experiments in editing

    Experiments in editing

    On March 7th of this year we ran our first seminar as part of the Disrupting the Humanities Seminar Series at Coventry University, which has been organised by the Centre for Disruptive media. You can find more information about this series here. The videos for this seminar, entitled ‘Disrupting the scholarly establishment. How to create…

  • Untitled post 2427

    The Centre for Disruptive Media presents Disrupting the Humanities A series of 3 half-day seminars looking at research and scholarship in a ‘posthumanities’ context, organised by the Centre for Disruptive Media at Coventry University, and held over the course of spring and summer, 2014. Disrupting the Humanities will both critically engage with the humanist legacy…

  • Scholarly Remix: Academia Reassessed

    As mentioned before, as part of my remix contribution to Mark Amerika‘s project site accompanying his new volume Remixthebook (University of Minnesota Press) I will be blogging and tweeting on remixthebook.com during this week. Underneath the blog entry I submitted. Scholarly Remix: Academia Reassessed As part of my research practice I explore the potential of…

  • Remixthebook

    [vimeo http://vimeo.com/27204611] Video Remix: Rick Silva, Audio: Chad Mossholder, Micro-Cam Footage: Mark McCoin, Voice: Mark Amerika Remix artist and author Mark Amerika recently launched his new book Remixthebook (University of Minnesota Press) together with a complimentary website of remixes based on material from remixthebook. From the blurb on the project site: The remixthebook.com website is…

  • New Visions for the Book II: Remix

    Part 3: Remix re-examined See here for part 1 and here for part 2 Navas’s and Manovich’s thinking on remix seem to complement each other nicely. Where Navas analyses remix as discourse from a historical context, taking into account power-relations and the wider societal context shaping and triggering the rise of remix, Manovich takes a…

  • Post Literacy

    The concept or theory of post literacy (which I learned about via James Bridle from booktwo.org) is described by Wikipedia as a stage ‘wherein multimedia technology has advanced to the point where literacy, the ability to read written words, is no longer necessary’. However, literacy encompasses much more than just the ability to read (and…