Tag: keywords

  • Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities: Open Access

    Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities: Open Access

    The Cent­re for Di­gi­tal Cul­tu­res (CDC) at Leuphana University recently started releasing a collection of keywords (from post-media to copyfight), as part of its Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities project. I was invited to submit a contribution on open access, which you can find underneath. All the keywords are available at the CDC website…

  • Performative Publications

    Performative Publications

    Last spring I worked on a project together with 2nd year design students Nabaa Baqir, Mila Spasova and Serhan Curti to create an alternative take on, or an artist’s book out of the article ‘The political nature of the book. On artists’ books and radical open access’, which was written by myself and Gary Hall…