Tag: Foucault

  • The Multidimensional Scholarly Archive (II)

    The Multidimensional Scholarly Archive (II)

    Last month, together with Silvia Stoyanova, I delivered a lecture at the “Methodological Intersections”: Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School 2015 (which Silvia co-organised) on the topic of ‘The Multidimensional Scholarly Archive’. Silvia’s part of the lecture has been posted here, underneath you can find my contribution. I would like to focus on some of the…

  • On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part III)

    On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part III)

    Chapter 6 of my thesis explores both the discursive-material practices that have promoted the idea and use of the book as a fixed object of communication, as well as more fluid, flowing visions of information transmission that are commonly attached to digital forms of communication. It focuses on why it is that we cut and…

  • The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (III)

    The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (III)

    Chapter 3 of my thesis focuses on authorship, and you can find a draft of the second part of the chapter underneath. As I stated before, any feedback is of course more than welcome but please take into account that these are just fragments in process which are part of a larger (undefined) ‘whole’. You…

  • The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (II)

    The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (II)

    Chapter 3 of my thesis focuses on authorship, and you can find a draft of the second part of the chapter underneath. As I stated before, any feedback is of course more than welcome but please take into account that these are just fragments in process which are part of a larger (undefined) ‘whole’. You…

  • The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (I)

    The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (I)

    Chapter 3 of my thesis focuses on authorship, and you can find a draft of the first part of the chapter underneath. As I stated before, any feedback is of course more than welcome but please take into account that these are just fragments in process which are part of a larger (undefined) ‘whole’. For…

  • Framing the debate (II) Historical Discourses: The Struggle for Both the Past & Future of the Book

    Framing the debate (II) Historical Discourses: The Struggle for Both the Past & Future of the Book

    Underneath the second part of the 2nd chapter of my thesis. For the first part, see here.         Representationalist discourse If we look at this debate between Johns and Eisenstein in more depth, we can see that, although I have outlined and emphasised the main differences between the two thinkers, both are anxious not to…

  • Framing the debate (I). Historical Discourses:  The Struggle for Both the Past and Future of the Book

    Framing the debate (I). Historical Discourses: The Struggle for Both the Past and Future of the Book

    I haven’t posted extracts of my thesis here for a while, although fragments have made their way through some of the papers, presentations, publications, introductions, reviews and invitations I have posted here over the last year. As I am now reaching the final stages of thesis writing–and I am doing my utmost best to turn…

  • New Materialism and/or Post-Structuralism

    New Materialism and/or Post-Structuralism

    Three weeks ago I went to a round table discussion at Sussex University on ‘New Materialism and/or Post-Structuralism’, which featured Timothy Murray (Cornell), Seb Franklin (KCL), Jussi Parikka (Anglia Ruskin), John David Rhodes (Sussex), and Michael Jonik (Sussex). As this was mostly a discussion, my notes underneath are a bit fragmented and as I only wrote…

  • Practice what you preach. Engaging in Humanities research through critical praxis

    I finally managed to add hyperlinks to the paper I presented at the HASTAC V conference in Ann Arbor last December. Please find it underneath accompanied by my Prezi presentation. This lecture will present a new experimental approach to conducting and performing a PhD dissertation within the (digital) humanities. It describes an experiment in developing a digital,…

  • Society of the Query – Part 1: Lovink, Boutang, Pasquinelli and Numerico

    Last month the Institute of Network Cultures organized a two day conference entitled Society of the Query. Below you can find a wrap-up of the notes I took during the conference. More elaborate blog entries focusing on each of the lectures separately can be found here and you can also take a look at the…

  • Adieu Copyright – A debate

    Last Wednesday one of Holland’s most famous and disputed anti-copyright defendants, Joost Smiers, presented his new book (or essay) co-written with partner-in-crime Marieke van Schijndel, at cultural hot-spot De Balie (a former courthouse in Amsterdam). Surrounding the presentation a debate evening was organized based on the utopian notion of ‘imagining a world without copyright’. The…