Tag: Etienne Balibar

  • New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part II)

    New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part II)

    Chapter 5 of my thesis focuses on opportunities to intervene in the current cultures of knowledge production in academia and publishing, exploring efforts to rethink and re-perform the institutions surrounding the material production of the book, as well as our own entangled scholarly communication and publishing practices. I focus in particular in this chapter on…

  • Embracing Messiness

    Embracing Messiness

    Last week, from the 12-14th of November, I attended The Post-Digital Scholar Conference. Publishing between Open Access, Piracy and Public Spheres, in Lüneburg, organised by the Hybrid Publishing Lab. I gave a paper in the panel ‘The Mess that Open Access has become’, organised by Andreas Kirchner, and including Armin Beverungen (Leuphana University), Martin Haspelmath…