Tag: ethics

  • Emergent Creativity

    Emergent Creativity

    I have a new chapter out on ‘The Ethics of Emergent Creativity: Can We Move Beyond Writing as Human Enterprise, Commodity and Innovation?’ in the collection Whose Book is it Anyway? A View From Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity edited by Janis Jefferies and Sarah Kember. This volume has been published in open access…

  • Radical Open Access and The Politics of Publishing. A Genealogy of Affinities and Correlations

    Radical Open Access and The Politics of Publishing. A Genealogy of Affinities and Correlations

    A bit belated (I will be uploading some talks I gave during the last months in the next few days), underneath the paper I gave at the Radical Open Access conference, which we hosted at Coventry University 15-16th of June. The videos from this event will be available soon, and I will announce them here…

  • Embracing Messiness

    Embracing Messiness

    Last week, from the 12-14th of November, I attended The Post-Digital Scholar Conference. Publishing between Open Access, Piracy and Public Spheres, in Lüneburg, organised by the Hybrid Publishing Lab. I gave a paper in the panel ‘The Mess that Open Access has become’, organised by Andreas Kirchner, and including Armin Beverungen (Leuphana University), Martin Haspelmath…