Tag: Digital Publishing

  • Forget the Book

    Forget the Book

    Yesterday I attended the excellent event Forget the Book: Writing in the Age of Digital Publishing, at Goldsmiths, University of London. The event was organised by Sarah Kember and Benjamin Pester as part of the CREATe consortium work package ‘Whose Book is it Anyway’. It featured Sean Cubitt (Goldsmiths) in discussion with Doug Sery (MIT…

  • Why experiment? A critical analysis of the values behind digital scholarly publishing

    Last month I presented a paper entitled ‘Why Experiment? A Critical Analysis of the Values Behind Digital Scholarly Publishing’ at the 9th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Paris, France, July 4th, 2012, hosted by Sorbonne Nouvelle University and UNESCO. This presentation was part of the panel: ‘Publishing Cultural Studies, Now and in the Future’, with excellent papers…

  • Living Books about Life: Symbiosis

    [vimeo http://vimeo.com/29665129] Together with Pete Woodbridge, I have edited a living book in the excellent new Open Humanities Press book series Living Books about Life, edited by Gary Hall, Joanna Zylinska and Clare Birchall. Our edited book, entitled Symbiosis: Ecologies, Assemblages and Evolution, brings together openly available science and humanities articles on symbiosis, complemented by…

  • On crowd funding Open Access scholarly books

    With academia increasingly being abused by budget cuts whilst at the same time being overtaken by the language of business, profit, and sustainability, new ways are being sought to gain funds to subsidize academic projects and publications. Especially scholarly publishers within the Humanities and Social Sciences (be they not-for-profit or commercial) have become accustomed to…

  • Notes on Unbound Books – A Conference Report (Part II)

    One of the most interesting sessions on the last day of The Unbound Book conference, was the session on Future Publishing Industries. According to the program the session focused on the affordances and political economies of the publishing industry and libraries. Underneath a small summary of three of the papers presented on the panel and…

  • The academic publisher in 2020

    My friend and colleague Ronald Snijder has written a very interesting forecast related to academic publishing. He asked me to publish it here, which I am happy to do. I would also like to draw your attention to the very interesting article Ronald wrote, entitled ‘The profits of free books: an experiment to measure the…

  • Governance in Times of Change

    Last week I attended the International Conference – Digital publishing and its governance: between knowledge and power, which was held from April 28th-30th in Paris. The conference was organized by Sens Public with support from INHA-Invisu, tge-ADONIS, CNRS and DARIAH. The conference focused on how digitally induced practices in the Humanities and Social Sciences are…

  • Publishing, Peer Review and Quality Certification in the Digital Age

    Every month the Special Collections department of the University of Amsterdam hosts a book salon, each focusing on a special theme. Last Thursday’s gathering focused on ‘the scientific publisher in the digital age’ and brought together a panel of three experts on the subject. Cees Andriesse, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Utrecht…

  • Academic Publishing must face the Inconvenient Truth

    Another thing I would like to draw your attention to is an excellent speech given by Michael Jensen at the Association of American University Presses’ (AAUP) annual meeting last June. Michael Jensen is the Director of Strategic Web Communications at the National Academies Press, one of the oldest Open Access publishers. As Wikipedia states: ‘The…