Tag: Creativity

  • Emergent Creativity

    Emergent Creativity

    I have a new chapter out on ‘The Ethics of Emergent Creativity: Can We Move Beyond Writing as Human Enterprise, Commodity and Innovation?’ in the collection Whose Book is it Anyway? A View From Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity edited by Janis Jefferies and Sarah Kember. This volume has been published in open access…

  • Scholarly Remix: Academia Reassessed

    As mentioned before, as part of my remix contribution to Mark Amerika‘s project site accompanying his new volume Remixthebook (University of Minnesota Press) I will be blogging and tweeting on remixthebook.com during this week. Underneath the blog entry I submitted. Scholarly Remix: Academia Reassessed As part of my research practice I explore the potential of…

  • Remixthebook

    [vimeo http://vimeo.com/27204611] Video Remix: Rick Silva, Audio: Chad Mossholder, Micro-Cam Footage: Mark McCoin, Voice: Mark Amerika Remix artist and author Mark Amerika recently launched his new book Remixthebook (University of Minnesota Press) together with a complimentary website of remixes based on material from remixthebook. From the blurb on the project site: The remixthebook.com website is…

  • The Public Domain and Digital Natives

    Two weeks ago I visited the wonderful city of Turin to attend the International Conference University and Cyberspace. Reshaping Knowledge Institutions for the Networked Age, the closing conference of The COMMUNIA Thematic Network. As they state on their website, COMMUNIA aims at becoming a European point of reference for theoretical analysis and strategic policy discussion…