Tag: Cornelia Sollfrank

  • Launch of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures

      7th February 3.00pm Disruptive Media Learning Lab (Coventry University) Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/launch-of-the-centre-for-postdigital-cultures-tickets-41968258190 You are invited to the launch of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), a new Faculty Research Centre at Coventry University. The launch will include keynote talks by 3 internationally esteemed speakers:   Cornelia Sollfrank (Zurich University of the Arts) Monika Bakke (Adam…

  • Open Media Research Seminars – Series 4

    Open Media Research Seminars – Series 4

    Tuesday 31st of January Tessa J. Houghton will give the first talk in the fourth series of Research Seminars at Coventry University  on ‘Open Media’. The seminar series is accompanied by a blog that provides more information about the speakers, the theme and the seminars. You can find it here. Underneath the full program for…