The Centre for Disruptive Media presents Disrupting the Humanities A series of 3 half-day seminars looking at research and scholarship in a ‘posthumanities’ context, organised by the Centre for Disruptive Media at Coventry University, and held over the course of spring and summer, 2014. Disrupting the Humanities will both critically engage with the humanist legacy…
Why I am not an OA zealot
This is a guest post by Ronald Snijder. Ronald has been involved in OAPEN since 2008. Apart from doing IT related stuff, he’s an external PhD candidate at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (Leiden University). Occasionally on Twitter: @ronaldsnijder. Why I am not an OA zealot Open Access publishing inspires strong emotions by…
Culture Machine Live podcast: Johanna Drucker
Culture Machine Live, a series of podcasts which consider a range of issues including the digital humanities, internet politics, the future of cultural studies, cultural theory and philosophy, is pleased to announce its latest episode: ‘Speculative Computing and the Aesthetics of the Humanities: Johanna Drucker’ http://culturemachinepodcasts.podbean.com/2013/11/24/speculative-computing-and-the-aesthetics-of-the-humanities-johanna-drucker/ This interview with visual and cultural theorist and practitioner…
Transmediale presentation: Paperbound – Cultural Imaginaries and Practices in the Epoch of Paper
Last January Gary Hall and I presented our paper ‘The Political Nature of the Boundless Book: On Artists’ Books and Radical Open Access’, at Transmediale, as part of the panel Paperbound– Cultural Imaginaries and Practices in the Epoch of Paper, chaired by Alessandro Ludovico and also featuring Lothar Müller and Markus Krajewski. The videos of…
OAPEN-NL Final Report
Last Tuesday, during Open Access Week, the final report of the OAPEN-NL project was presented at the seminar ‘Open Access for academic books in the Netherlands’. As one of the co-authors of the report I focused on the qualitative aspects of the OAPEN-NL research, looking at user needs and expectations concerning OA monographs. You can…
Materialities of Text
New Formations recently published a very exciting new issue, edited by Sas Mays and Nicholas Thoburn on ‘Materialities of Text: Between the Codex and the Net’. Gary Hall and I contributed an article on the political nature of the book, in which we make a comparison between the political nature of artists’ books and open…
Culture Machine Live
Culture Machine Live is a podcast series dedicated to discussions of culture and theory. As one of the editors of this series (alongside Clare Birchall, Gary Hall & Pete Woodbridge) I have been conducting interviews with media and cultural theorists. Culture Machine Live is an extension of the online, open access journal of culture, theory and…