• The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (II)
    The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (II)

    Chapter 3 of my thesis focuses on authorship, and you can find a draft of the second part of the chapter underneath. As I stated before, any feedback is of course more than welcome but please take into account that these are just fragments in process which are part of a larger (undefined) ‘whole’. You…

  • The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (I)
    The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (I)

    Chapter 3 of my thesis focuses on authorship, and you can find a draft of the first part of the chapter underneath. As I stated before, any feedback is of course more than welcome but please take into account that these are just fragments in process which are part of a larger (undefined) ‘whole’. For…

  • Our Take On Disruption
    Our Take On Disruption

      [Reblog from The Centre for Disruptive Media Blog]   Disruption, as a term and theory, has been the subject of much discussion in both mainstream and social media – a level of interest that has only increased as a result of Jill Lepore’s June 2014 article for The New Yorker, ‘The Disruption Machine’. In…

  • Experiments in editing
    Experiments in editing

    On March 7th of this year we ran our first seminar as part of the Disrupting the Humanities Seminar Series at Coventry University, which has been organised by the Centre for Disruptive media. You can find more information about this series here. The videos for this seminar, entitled ‘Disrupting the scholarly establishment. How to create…

  • Framing the debate (II) Historical Discourses: The Struggle for Both the Past & Future of the Book
    Framing the debate (II) Historical Discourses: The Struggle for Both the Past & Future of the Book

    Underneath the second part of the 2nd chapter of my thesis. For the first part, see here.         Representationalist discourse If we look at this debate between Johns and Eisenstein in more depth, we can see that, although I have outlined and emphasised the main differences between the two thinkers, both are anxious not to…

  • Framing the debate (I). Historical Discourses:  The Struggle for Both the Past and Future of the Book
    Framing the debate (I). Historical Discourses: The Struggle for Both the Past and Future of the Book

    I haven’t posted extracts of my thesis here for a while, although fragments have made their way through some of the papers, presentations, publications, introductions, reviews and invitations I have posted here over the last year. As I am now reaching the final stages of thesis writing–and I am doing my utmost best to turn…

  • Creative Hacktivism
    Creative Hacktivism

    Creative Hacktivism  Seminar presented at BOM (Birmingham Open Media) in collaboration with the Centre for Disruptive Media, Coventry University Tuesday 24th June, 10.30am – 5.00pm FREE but places strictly limited and must be booked in advance through Eventbrite Hacker ethics and cultures have inspired some of the most innovative digital developments, from Apple’s design to…

  • …………………………. Feminist Writing …………………………
    …………………………. Feminist Writing …………………………

    Next week I will be giving a position paper on feminism, writing and academic publishing as part of a panel on Feminist Publishing which includes some of the most exciting voices in current academic and artistic publishing, including Carol Stabile, Joe Deville, Andrea Francke, Eva Weinmayr, and Pauline van Mourik Broekman. This panel is part…

  • Untitled post 2493

    The Centre for Disruptive Media presents Disrupting the Humanities A series of 3 half-day seminars looking at research and scholarship in a ‘posthumanities’ context, organised by the Centre for Disruptive Media at Coventry University. Disrupting the Humanities will both critically engage with the humanist legacy of the humanities, and creatively explore alternative and affirmative possible…

  • Experiments in Knowledge Production. Open Access and the politics of the digital academy
    Experiments in Knowledge Production. Open Access and the politics of the digital academy

    Last week Michael Guggenheim (CSISP, Goldsmiths) and Noortje Marres (CSISP, Goldsmiths) convened an event about experiments in knowledge production at Goldsmiths, which included Limn, Mattering Press and Big Data and Society. Noortje Marres introduced the workshops as having two main aims. Firstly its focus is on getting to know more about the three invited initiatives in experimental…

  • New Materialism and/or Post-Structuralism
    New Materialism and/or Post-Structuralism

    Three weeks ago I went to a round table discussion at Sussex University on ‘New Materialism and/or Post-Structuralism’, which featured Timothy Murray (Cornell), Seb Franklin (KCL), Jussi Parikka (Anglia Ruskin), John David Rhodes (Sussex), and Michael Jonik (Sussex). As this was mostly a discussion, my notes underneath are a bit fragmented and as I only wrote…