• Emergent Creativity
    Emergent Creativity

    I have a new chapter out on ‘The Ethics of Emergent Creativity: Can We Move Beyond Writing as Human Enterprise, Commodity and Innovation?’ in the collection Whose Book is it Anyway? A View From Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity edited by Janis Jefferies and Sarah Kember. This volume has been published in open access…

  • Experimental Publishing I – Critique, Intervention, And Speculation
    Experimental Publishing I – Critique, Intervention, And Speculation

    A half-day symposium with talks by Rebekka Kiesewetter and Eva Weinmayr (AND Publishing/Valand Academy) 1-5pm April 11 Centre for Postdigital Cultures Teaching Room 3rd Floor Lanchester Library Coventry University Registration (free):  https://experimentalpublishing.eventbrite.co.uk This is the first in a series of symposia hosted by the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) exploring contemporary approaches to experimental publishing.…

  • Experimental Publishing Symposia
    Experimental Publishing Symposia

    Experimental Publishing – Critique, Intervention, And Speculation In 2019 and 2020, the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) will be hosting a series of symposia exploring contemporary approaches to experimental publishing. Over the course of the series, we will ask questions about the role and nature of experimentation in publishing, about ways in which experimental publishing has been formulated…

  • One Year Later
    One Year Later

    Last year, during open access week, the Radical Open Access Collective re-launched with a new website, a directory of academic-led presses and an information platform for OA (book) publishing. We would like to share with you some of ROAC’s highlights for this year. Let us know if we’ve missed something or if there is anything…

  • New article: Performative Publications
    New article: Performative Publications

      Published in the disrupted Journal of Media practice (more on this collaboratively edited special issue here) is my latest article on ‘Performative Publications’. This experimental and processual article is available in various different versions. Underneath the abstract and the introduction to ‘Performative Publications’, which explain in more detail the context of this research project…

  • The disrupted Journal of Media Practice published!
    The disrupted Journal of Media Practice published!

    We are pleased to announce that our special disrupted issue of the Journal of Media Practice, ‘The disrupted Journal of Media Practice’ has now been officially published. Conceptualised, edited and performed collectively by Coventry University’s Centre for Disruptive Media (CDM)–which is now the Centre for Postdigital Cultures–and the Disruptive Media Learning Lab (DMLL), this special issue experiments with how media…

  • Registration for Radical Open Access II – The Ethics of Care now open
    Registration for Radical Open Access II – The Ethics of Care now open

    Radical Open Access II – The Ethics of Care Two days of critical discussion about creating a more diverse and equitable future for open access The Post Office Coventry University June 26-27 2018  Organised by Coventry University’s postdigital arts and humanities research studio The Post Office, a project of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures Find out more at: http://radicaloa.co.uk/conferences/roa2/…

  • Collectivity and Collaboration in Scholar-led Publishing
    Collectivity and Collaboration in Scholar-led Publishing

    The article Sam Moore and I wrote for Insights is now available online and discusses the potential of new forms of communality for scholar-led publishing using the Radical Open Access Collective as a case study. The article is available on the journal website here: https://insights.uksg.org/articles/10.1629/uksg.399/ (where you can also leave comments in the margins, we would love…

  • Launch of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures

      7th February 3.00pm Disruptive Media Learning Lab (Coventry University) Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/launch-of-the-centre-for-postdigital-cultures-tickets-41968258190 You are invited to the launch of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), a new Faculty Research Centre at Coventry University. The launch will include keynote talks by 3 internationally esteemed speakers:   Cornelia Sollfrank (Zurich University of the Arts) Monika Bakke (Adam…

  • Cut-Up

    Eduardo Navas, Owen Gallagher and xtine burrough have again proven to be the main trendsetters where it concerns the field of remix studies with the publication of their second remix studies anthology, which has this time been framed around 24 essays all focused on a specific keyword of relevance to this burgeoning field. You can…

  • Reblog: The Radical Open Access Collective: building alliances for a progressive, scholar-led commons
    Reblog: The Radical Open Access Collective: building alliances for a progressive, scholar-led commons

    Underneath a blogpost Samuel Moore and I wrote, which was originally published on the LSE Impact Blog, here. The Radical Open Access Collective launched its new website earlier this week. Open access has always been about more than just improving access to research, and Janneke Adema and Samuel A. Moore here highlight what the Radical OA Collective can offer.…

  • Radical OA Website Launched
    Radical OA Website Launched

    The new and updated website for the Radical Open Access Collective website has now officially been launched! https://radicaloa.co.uk Formed in 2015, the Radical OA Collective is a community of scholar-led, not-for-profit presses, journals and other open access projects in the humanities and social sciences. We represent an alternative open access ecosystem and seek to create…