Tag: Digital Humanities

  • The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (I)

    The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (I)

    Chapter 3 of my thesis focuses on authorship, and you can find a draft of the first part of the chapter underneath. As I stated before, any feedback is of course more than welcome but please take into account that these are just fragments in process which are part of a larger (undefined) ‘whole’. For…

  • Culture Machine Live podcast: Johanna Drucker

    Culture Machine Live podcast: Johanna Drucker

    Culture Machine Live, a series of podcasts which consider a range of issues including the digital humanities, internet politics, the future of cultural studies, cultural theory and philosophy, is pleased to announce its latest episode: ‘Speculative Computing and the Aesthetics of the Humanities: Johanna Drucker’ http://culturemachinepodcasts.podbean.com/2013/11/24/speculative-computing-and-the-aesthetics-of-the-humanities-johanna-drucker/ This interview with visual and cultural theorist and practitioner…

  • Materialities of Text

    Materialities of Text

    New Formations recently published a very exciting new issue, edited by Sas Mays and Nicholas Thoburn on ‘Materialities of Text: Between the Codex and the Net’. Gary Hall and I contributed an article on the political nature of the book, in which we make a comparison between the political nature of artists’ books and open…

  • Practice what you preach. Engaging in Humanities research through critical praxis

    I finally managed to add hyperlinks to the paper I presented at the HASTAC V conference in Ann Arbor last December. Please find it underneath accompanied by my Prezi presentation. This lecture will present a new experimental approach to conducting and performing a PhD dissertation within the (digital) humanities. It describes an experiment in developing a digital,…

  • Living Books about Life: Symbiosis

    [vimeo http://vimeo.com/29665129] Together with Pete Woodbridge, I have edited a living book in the excellent new Open Humanities Press book series Living Books about Life, edited by Gary Hall, Joanna Zylinska and Clare Birchall. Our edited book, entitled Symbiosis: Ecologies, Assemblages and Evolution, brings together openly available science and humanities articles on symbiosis, complemented by…

  • Open Media Research Seminars – Series 3

    Open Media Research Seminars – Series 3

    Tuesday November 1st media scholar William Merrin will kick off the third series of Research Seminars at Coventry University  on ‘Open Media’. The seminar series is accompanied by a blog that provides more information about the speakers, the theme and the seminars. You can find it here. Underneath the full program for this term. All…

  • Open Media Research Seminar Series

    Open Media Research Seminar Series

    In two weeks the second series will commence of the Research Seminars I have been organizing at Coventry University in this term and the previous on ‘Open Media’. The seminar series is accompanied by a blog that provides more information about the speakers, the theme and the seminars. You can find it here. On his…

  • Open Media Research Seminar Series

    I have been organizing a Research Seminar Series, taking place at Coventry University in this term and the next, on ‘Open Media’. Last Tuesday the first lecture was given by Federica Frabetti from Oxford Brooks University entitled ‘DIGITAL AGAIN? The Humanities Between the Computational Turn and Originary Technicity’. You can find more information about the…

  • New Visions for the Book II: Remix

    Part 3: Remix re-examined See here for part 1 and here for part 2 Navas’s and Manovich’s thinking on remix seem to complement each other nicely. Where Navas analyses remix as discourse from a historical context, taking into account power-relations and the wider societal context shaping and triggering the rise of remix, Manovich takes a…

  • New Visions for the Book II: Remix

    Part 2 – Lev Manovich Lev Manovich is a professor of Visual Arts, at the University of California, San Diego, specialized in new media, software and digital culture. Manovich directs the The Software Studies Initiative where he practices cultural analytics. Similar to Navas, he has theorized and applied the concept of remix frequently in his…

  • New Visions for the Book II: Remix

    Part 1 – Eduardo Navas In the first part of New Visions for the Book, I described how the concept of the book is being used as a strategic power tool to argue for a certain knowledge system. I tried to show how within this discourse certain essentialist notions—such as authorship, stability, and authority—still hold…