

Invited Talk, „The Futures of Doing Publishing”, 9-11 July 2025, Silent Green Berlin, part of the annual conference of the research cluster ‘Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective’ (Freie Universität Berlin).

Invited talk, ‘Invoking Processional Publishing: A continent. Wayzgooze‘, as part of the session ‘Editing Otherwise: Invisible Labour, Collective Agency’, Berlin, 29-30th May.

Invited talk, ‘Creating Community-Owned Futures for Open Access Books by Scaling Small and Co-designing Governance ‘, Metagovernance seminar, 26-03-2025

Janneke Adema, ‘Exploring the Experimental Publishing Compendium: Tools, Practices, and Books to Promote the Publication of Experimental Scholarly Works,’ Oxford Forum of Open Scholarship (OxFOS), as part of the panel ‘Economics and Experiments in Open Access Publishing’, with Martin Eve and Ronald Snijder, Oxford, March 4th 2025.

Janneke Adema, panelist at Experimental Book Publishing in Practice seminar series. Seminar 02:, with Remi Kalir (Duke University), Sonja Visser (, Thursday 16th January 2025. Online Recording Presentation


Janneke Adema, ‘Promoting Interactions and Engagement with Scholarly Research: Speculations on the Role of the Librarian in Advancing Experimental Publishing’, DKIS Conference on Advancing Social Justice Through Curriculum Realignment: Centering Scholarly Communication in LIS Curricula Chancellor Oppenheimer Library, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 8-9 December 2024. Presentation

Pre-conference workshop (organised by COPIM), 2nd Global Summit on Diamond Open Access. Centering social justice in scholarly communication to advance research as a public good, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 10-14 December 2024. Presentation

Janneke Adema and Simon Bowie, ‘An Update from Copim’s Experimental Publishing Group’, Copim’s Open Book Futures project: an update and showcase of our work, September 25th 2024. Online Presentation

Joe Deville, Adema, J., Barnes, M., Steiner, T., Grady, T., Hillen, H., Hopkins, K., Kiesewetter, R., & Sanders, K. (2024). Can scaling small scale? Lessons learned from building community-led infrastructures for open access book publishing. OASPA Annual Conference 2024, Lisbon.

Keynote – Janneke Adema, ‘Radical and Alternative Publication Futures’, Decolonizing Academic Publishing: Radical and Alternative Publication Futures, organised by Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha and Swati Guha (The Institute of Language Studies and Research (ILSR), Kolkata) and Mursed Alam (The Ambedkar Center for Social and Cultural Studies, Gour College, University of Gour Banga), 4 September 2024, online.

Keynote – Janneke Adema, ‘Experimental Publishing as a Critical Praxis: Rethinking Distinctions between Research and Publishing’, Supervising Artistic and Practice-based Research: Publishing for Urgency, organised by Maibritt Borgen, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts; Mikkel Bogh, PASS – Center for Practice-based Art Studies, Rune Gade, and Holger Schulze, University of Copenhagen, Denmark: Art Hub Copenhagen, 19 Aug. – 22 Aug. 2024 Presentation

Roundtable ‘Experimenting with Academic Knowledge Production’, The 2024 quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), with Simon Bowie, Rebekka Kiesewetter, and Julien McHardy, the Athena – Research and Education Institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) (NL), 16-19 July. Online Presentation

Invited talk – Janneke Adema, Wanting Better: The Practice of Publishing for Practice Research, The Centre for Practice Research in the Arts (CePRA), with William Urricchio (MIT/Utrecht University), organised by Nick Thurston, Leeds University, 15 May 2-4pm. Online

Invited talk –  Janneke Adema, Experiments in Radical Publishing – with Charlotte Crofts (UWE/Screenworks), Ashwani Sharma (UAL/darkmatter), and Mark Peter Wright (UAL/CRiSAP), Sonic Screen Lab, London College of Communication, UAL, London (UK), 1 May 5-6.30pm. Online

Invited talk, with Simon Bowie, Experimental Book Publishing: Tools, Practices, and Books to Promote the Publication of Experimental Scholarly Works, Northumbria University, March 18. Online.


Invited Talk, Advancing Community-Led Open Infrastructure, University of Boulder Colorado, October 23 2023:

‘COPIM Computational Publishing Pilot’, Publishing from Collections Using Linked Open Data Source and Computational Publishing Pipelines (with Simon Worthington and Simon Bowie), FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute, August 2nd, 2023.

Invited talk, ‘Promoting Bibliodiversity in Academic Publishing: Scaling Small and Experimental Post-Publishing’ Centre for the Study of the Networked Image (CSNI), London South Bank University, June 6th 2023 at The Photographers’ Gallery:

Invited Keynote, Communication in Culture and Society – Research at the crossroads of audience, public, and collaboration. Linköping University Research Retreat, with Nicholas Thoburn, Jonas & Cecilia Grönberg and Erica Engdahl, Linköping University (SW), June 13-16th, 2023.

Reframing Failure: Communicating Failure Seminar, part of the Digital Humanities Research Hub Seminar Series Reframing Failure, with Britt Amell (Carleton University), Nabeel Siddiqui (Susquehanna University), Janneke Adema (Coventry University), Gabby Boddard (School of Advanced Study), Annika Rockenberger (University of Oslo), School of Advanced Study (SAS), University of London, 11 May 2023, Online.

‘COPIM, Infrastructures for Experimental Books’, Launch of Performing Patents Otherwise: Archival Conversations with Historic Clothing Inventions, Varia Rotterdam (NL), Saturday 15 April 2023. Online.

‘Co-designing Governance’, Scaling Small: Community-Owned Futures for Open Access Books, COPIM Final Conference, Online, April 20-21.

Introduction — Past And Futures Of Community-Owned Book Publishing’, Scaling Small: Community-Owned Futures for Open Access Books, COPIM Final Conference, Online, April 20-21.

Introduction and panelist, Experimental Books: Re-imagining Scholarly Publishing, Coventry University, 20 February, 9 March, & 13 March 2023. Online

Invited talk, Feminist Publishing: Practices, Processes, and Contemporary Challenges, Co-organised by The Gender and Sexualities Research Centre (GSRC) at City and Manchester University Press, City University of London, Thursday 2nd March 2-6pm. (Cancelled/rescheduled due to the strikes)

Invited talk, ‘Promoting Bibliodiversity in Academic Publishing: Scaling Small and Experimental Post-Publishing’ Centre for the Study of the Networked Image (CSNI), London South Bank University, Wednesday 1st February 2023 at 15.00 at Borough Road Gallery (LSBU, 103 Borough Road) Online. (Cancelled/rescheduled due to the strikes)


Invited panelist, La Publicación abierta como investigación-creación, with Gabriela Méndez Cota, Rebekka Kiesewetter, and Sandra Loyola. Universidad Iberoamericana, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas, December 7th, Ciudad de México (MX)

Living Book Encounters: Experiments in Rewriting and Disappropriation (panel), including papers from myself (‘Combinatorial Books: Gathering Flowers’), Rebekka Kiesewetter, Gabriela Mendez Cota, Juan Pablo Anaya, and Mayra Roffe, 4S/ESOCite International Conference, Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration. Knowledges and technosciences for living together. December 7-10, Cholula Mexico: https://www.4sorg/

‘Post-Publishing. Publishing between the Digital and the Human’, Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2020, part of the spotlight panel Postdigital Cultures, with Rolien Hoyng, and Daisy Tam, The Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (CEAUL/ULICES), Portugal, online, 17-19 November, 2022.

Invited Talk, ‘Open access and diversity in critical perspective’ panel, at the International Forum Digitizing in Common: Distributed Forms of Cultural Property and Authorship, hosted by Centro Cultural de España in Mexico and Centro Multimedia, Mexico City, organised in alliance with Creative Commons Mexico; Wikimedia Mexico; Network in Defense of Digital Rights R3D, the Ministry of Culture, the Center for Digital Culture; the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla; the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development, the Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico and; the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO. Scheduled within the framework of the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022. September 22-24.

Invited Talk, ‘Posthumanities Publishing: How to Reperform Our Ideas of the Humanities’, OASPA Conference 2022, What Open Means for the Humanities panel (with Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra) 20-22 September 2022.

Invited participant, Symposium Sustaining Knowledge And Its Infrastructure. Digital Knowledge Infrastructures At The Crossroads Of Governance Practices. 16-17 June 2022, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland), Organizers: Pierre Mounier (EHESS, OPERAS) and Simon Dumas Primbault (LHST, EPFL).

Invited Keynote, ‘Post-Publishing: Experimenting with Living Books’, The Digital Afterlives network, Cambridge Digital Humanities (CDH), University of Cambridge, part of the Unbind: Reimagining the Academic Monograph Symposium, Cambridge June 10th.

Invited Talk, ‘No to Metrics. Tactical Interventions into the Metricisation of Academic Life ’, part of the Critical Practices Seminars organised by Carolina Rito, Coventry University, June 8th

‘Publishing Together: Strategies for Collaboration across Divides’, part of the panel ‘Experimental Post-Publishing and Performance Pedagogy’ at the ELO 2022: E2Lit – Education and Electronic Literature Conference and Art Festival, Como, Italy, May 30 – June 1, 2022. (Also taking part are Mark Amerika, Laura Kim, Gary Hall, and Will Luers.)

Janneke Adema and Joe Deville, ‘The case for open Open Access book infrastructures’, London Book Fair,  Research and Scholarly Publishing Forum (RSPF), part of the panel Open Books under the Microscope, April 7th.

‘Feminist Epistemologies and the Politics of Knowledge Production’, Graduate Seminar Power, Subjectivation, and Institutions, Critical Gender Studies PhD programme, Departamento De Filosofia División De Humanidades Y Comunicación, Universidad Iberoamericana, March 25th.

‘Publishing my book OA will not advance my career.’ Open Access Books Network OA Mythbusters series,


Podcast interview, ‘Living Books. Experiments in the Posthumanities’, by Sarah Kearns for New Books Network podcast,

Invited Talk, ‘Experimental Publishing: Concepts, Practices, and Strategies,’ Aarhus University, Contemporary Aesthetics and Technology, December 16th.

Invited Keynote, ‘Exploring Experimental Publishing: Mappings, Pilots, and Guidelines,’ 16th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing, November 17th. Online Video

Invited Keynote, ‘Exploring Experimental Publishing: Mappings, Pilots, and Guidelines,’ 16th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing, November 17th. Online Video


Invited Book Talk with Kevin Wisniewski, Textshop Experiments, November 4th,

Invited Talk, OA Books Workouts. Scholars At Work – Open Access Books Network, October 19th (2-3PM BST / 3-4PM CEST)

Keynote speaker (invited), ‘Post-Publishing and Versioning’, Radical Open Access: Experiments in (Post-)Publishing Symposium, Room M549, Center for British and Irish Studies room, 5th floor, Norlin Library, University of Colorado, Boulder, October 1st. Organised by Mark Amerika and Janneke Adema, with Danny Snelson (UCLA), Davin Heckman (Winona State), Joanna Zylinska (Goldsmiths), and Gary Hall (Coventry).

Invited Talk, Open Access Publishing and the Future of Scholarly Communication, Radboud University Nijmegen, September 23rd.

Community Governance – Processes and Best Practices,’ OASPA 2021 Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing – Designing 21st Century Knowledge Sharing Systems. Part of the panel ‘Open Infrastructure and Collaboration’, chaired by Juan Pablo Alperin, September 21-22. Video

‘Patforms and tools for experimental publishing’ publication workshop Exploring (for) Publicness, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Aug 24.

‘Post-publishing as a critical praxis’ publication workshop Exploring (for) Publicness, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Aug 23.

With Tobias Steiner and Marcell Mars, Invited Session on Experimental Publishing for the OA Books Network June 29th.

‘Experiments in Post-Publishing’, XXXI Coloquio Internacional: Imaginación Económica, 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos (17, Institute of Critical Studies), part of a CPC panel with Adrienne Evans, Gary Hall, and Mel Jordan, June 25th, Mexico (online).

‘The Performance of Place in Scholarly Publishing.’ Part of the Panel Publishing and Place: Situated Publishing in Art and Academia, with Dr Nathan O’Donnell, CPC Annual Conference The Postdigital City for Postpandemic Times, June 15-16:

With Eileen Joy, “International, Scholar-led Collaboration around Community-led Open Publishing Infrastructures for Monographs,” Digital Initiatives Symposium 2020, University of San Diego, USA, April 28, 2021.

Invited Talk, “Post-publishing in Pandemic Times,” Experimental Publishing: Practices/Propositions Public Programme organised by Nathan O’Donnell, Maynooth University, March 25th.

With Tobias Steiner, ‘Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM),’ 18th Open Science Göttingen Meet-up, Göttingen University, March 17th. Online  Slides

Invited panelist, Future of scholarly writing in SSH OPERAS-P workshop, February 26nd. Online

Invited workshop participant, Actions for OA Books, Knowledge Exchange, February 22nd.

Invited Talk, Open Access Publishing and the Future of Scholarly Communication, Radboud University Nijmegen, February 10th.


Invited Talk, ‘Community Governance Explored – Lessons for COPIM on how to scale small,’ OpenAIRE / COAR / EIFL webinar: Equity and inclusion — community-owned infrastructures for open science, 21 October. Online Presentation Talk

Invited Talk, ‘Scaling Small: Enabling a More Diverse Ecosystem for Scholarly Book Publishing,’ British Library Open and Engaged 2020 Conference: Inequities in Scholarly Communications, October 19. Online Presentation Talk Video

Invited Talk, ‘Introduction to COPIM’, OPERAS conference “Knowledge infrastructures and digital governance. History, challenges, practices.” 7-8 September 2020. Online

“Post-Publishing. Publishing between the Digital and the Human’ (invited – indefinitely postponed), Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2020, part of the spotlight panel Postdigital Cultures, with Rolien Hoyng, Daisy Tam, and Poppy Wilde, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 to 31 July 2020.

Janneke Adema, ‘Post-Publishing and Performative Publications’, Transmission in Motion Seminar, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Utrecht University, 22nd April. Presentation Talk Blogposts Podcast

Keynote (with Joe Deville), ‘A conversation on the relationalities of care in Open Access Publishing’, Open Educational Resources Conference, April 1-2, London, UK.


Invited Talk, ‘The Future of Publishing: Post-Publishing and Performative Publications’, Culture Unbound 10-year anniversary, Norrköping, December 11th, Sweden. Talk Presentation

Workshop participant, Culture Unbound Turns 10! Publishing, Property and Academic Labour Workshop Culture Unbound 10-year anniversary, Norrköping, December 12th, Sweden.

Invited Talk, Society of Young Publishers (SYP) annual conference: Paving the Way in Publishing: Innovate, Adapt, Overcome, Saturday 23 November, Oxford Brookes, UK.

Invited Panelist, Open Access Monographs: from policy to reality. A one-day symposium. St Catharine’s College, Cambridge University, 2 October 2019, Cambridge, UK.

Invited Talk, Community-led Open Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM), UK Research and Innovation Open Access Review Workshop on monographs and book chapters, Friday 13 September, London, UK. Presentation

Invited Talk, ‘Experiments in Posthumanities Publishing and Post-Publishing’, Doctoral College seminar Latest Research in Doctoral Education, with Professor Liezel Frick, Tuesday 10 September, Coventry University, Coventry, UK. Presentation Talk

Invited Talk, ‘Performative Publications and Recursive Publics’, ACS Summer Institute 2019: The Future of Publics. 22nd – 27th July, Friedrichshafen, Germany. Presentation Talk

Invited Talk, ‘Radical Open Access Publishing’, ACS Summer Institute 2019: The Future of Publics. 22nd – 27th July, Friedrichshafen, Germany. Presentation Talk

With Graham Stone, Jeroen Sondervan and Verena Weigert, ‘Towards a KE Roadmap for OA monographs’,  Liber Conference June 26-28 Dublin. Online

With Kaja Marczewska, ‘Post-it. Academic Post Cards.’ Delivered the Same Day: The Post Office and Part of the Work, Property, Metrics events series organised by the Post Office Research Group. Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University. With !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Jamie Woodcock, Peter Conlin, Valeria Graziano, Gary Hall, Kaja Marczewska, Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak. June 3rd, Coventry University. Online, Talk

Invited speaker, Critical Issues In Open Access And Scholarly Communications, Goldsmiths College, University Of London, Friday May 24. Online

Invited panelist, with Gary Hall, Urgent Publishing: New strategies for publishing in post-truth times – Hosted by The Institute for Network Cultures (Amsterdam University of Applies Sciences), Willem de Kooning Academy (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences) and the ArtEZ Press (ArtEZ Institute for the Arts). Amsterdam/Arnhem, The Netherlands, May 15-17. Online, Panel, Presentation, Talk

Keynote Lecture. ‘The Digital Humanities Beyond The Digital And The Human: Imagining New Relationalities For Knowledge Production’. Digital Humanities Institute Beirut (DHIB). Consolidating Local, Regional, International and Consortial Collaborations in Digital Humanities Communities. Hosted by The Center for Arts and Humanities (AUB), AMICAL ConsortiumOrient Institut Beirut (OIB)The Department of English (AUB), University Libraries (AUB) and the Office of Information Technology (AUB) at The  American University of Beirut, 3-5 May. Online Talk Presentation

Invited Panelist, ‘Postcolonial Open Access and Language Criticism: Who is writing for Whom and Who wants to be read by Whom?’ Panel organised by Middle East – Topics and Arguments (META), Chaired by Maike Neufend and Ines Braune, with Layachi El Habbouch and Marcel Wrzesinski. Digital Humanities Institute Beirut (DHIB). Consolidating Local, Regional, International and Consortial Collaborations in Digital Humanities Communities. The American University of Beirut, 3-5 May. Online

Invited Participant. OAPEN workshop: ‘Discovery and Dissemination strategies for Open Access Monographs’, April 4th, The Hague, the Netherlands.


Facilitator and Rapporteur: Knowledge Exchange Stakeholder Workshop on Open Access and Monographs, Brussels, November 7-8.

Participant Indexathon, organised by Renée Ridgway as part of her fellowship entitled ‘The Autonomous Surfer’. Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), October 18-19th, Bochum.

‘Scaling Small; Or How to Imagine New Relationalities for Knowledge Production’, Part of the Scaling the Future Panel with Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak and Jurij Smrke, International Conference Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology. Co-hosted by the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC), Leuphana University Lüneburg, and the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), Western Sydney University, as part of the Knowledge/Culture Series. Leuphana University Lüneburg, September 19–22 2018. Online Talk

Invited Speaker, ‘Radical Open Access: Fostering Scholar-led and Not-For-Profit Publishing Ecologies’. 10th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP), University of Vienna, Austria, 1719 September. Presentation Talk

Facilitator: OA monographs and the academic career path: from PGR to the professoriate. Open access monographs: An event for learned societies and subject associations, organised by the UUK OA Monograph Working Group and the Arts and Humanities Association (AHA) The British Academy, London, 11 September 2018. Online

Invited Speaker, ‘Differential and Iterative Publishing’. Part of the Spotlight Session Publishing Cultural Studies, Now and in the Future, with Mehdi Semati, Northern Illinois University, Gabriela Méndez Cota, Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México and Ted Striphas, University of Colorado Boulder (chair/organizer). The 12th International ACS Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Shanghai, August 12th to 15th 2018. OnlinePresentation  Talk

Invited workshop lead, Post-conference: Open Media Studies (workshop 1: Research and Analysis). Organised by Jeroen Sondervan (Utrecht University), Jeffrey Pooley (Muhlenberg College, US), Jaap Kooijman (University of Amsterdam), Erwin Verbruggen (Institute for Sound and Vision and sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum, Saturday 30 June 2018. Online  Presentation

Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at 16.49.19RadicalOA Book Stand (1)

‘The Poethics of Openness’. Part of The Poethics of Scholarship panel, with Kaja Marczewska, Frances McDonald and Whitney Trettien, curated by POP. Radical Open Access II – The Ethics of Care, The Post Office, Coventry University, June 26th-27th 2018, Coventry. Online Presentation

‘Introduction’. Radical Open Access II – The Ethics of Care, The Post Office, Coventry University, June 26th-27th 2018, Coventry. Presentation  Talk

Project participant, OpenAIRE Project New Platforms for Open Access Book Distribution, with representatives from Mattering Press, meson press, Open Book Publishers, Open Humanities Press, and punctum books, June 25th, Coventry.

‘Exploring blogging’, Opening New Doors Building Your Online Presence themed series, Coventry University, 25th May 2018. Presentation

Network participant, ‘Global Matters’. (1.5 day workshop). In conjunction with the symposium ‘Academic Citizenship’, convened by Alison WoodRichard Oosterhoff and Theodor Dunkelgrün. With Professor Christopher Newfield (University of California, Santa Barbara). Part of Critical University Studies: An Early Career Researcher Network 2018 (convened by CRASSH Mellon/Newton Fellow Dr Alison Wood and supported by a British Academy Rising Stars Engagement Award). CRASSH, Cambridge, April 2018.

Network participant, ‘Scholarship in Policy, Policy in Scholarship’. With Professor Helen Small (Oxford) and Dr Diana Beech (HEPI). Part of Critical University Studies: An Early Career Researcher Network 2018 (convened by CRASSH Mellon/Newton Fellow Dr Alison Wood and supported by a British Academy Rising Stars Engagement Award). British Academy, London, 26 February 2018.


Julien McHardy, Vincent W.J. Van Gerven Oei; Janneke Adema; Joe Deville, ‘Interim project presentation’, Beyond Apcs: Alternative Open Access Publishing Business Models, OpenAIRE Workshop, April 15th 2018, The Hague. Online Presentation

“Scholar-led Publishing: Scaling Small”, Beyond Apcs: Alternative Open Access Publishing Business Models, OpenAIRE Workshop, April 15th 2018, The Hague. Online Presentation Talk

Project participant, OpenAIRE Project New Platforms for Open Access Book Distribution, with representatives from Mattering Press, meson press, Open Book Publishers, Open Humanities Press, and punctum books, February 16-17, Amsterdam.

Invited participant, New Horizons for Open Science Researchers workshop, (organised by Simon Worthington/The Leibniz Research Alliance), Open Science Lab, The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover, January 18th 2018. Online

Network Participant, ‘Mapping the Emerging Field of Critical University Studies’. Part of Critical University Studies: An Early Career Researcher Network 2018 (convened by CRASSH Mellon/Newton Fellow Dr Alison Wood and supported by a British Academy Rising Stars Engagement Award) CRASSH, Cambridge, 23 January 2018. Online


Keynote Speaker. Homeward Bound 2018’s Evening of Empowering Women, Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, October 13th. Online 

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Keynote Speaker. ‘Distributed, Radical and Resilient: Speculations on a Community-Led Future for Open Access Publishing’Open Access Tage 2017 (Moderation: Dirk Verdicchio (Universitätsbibliothek Bern)Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB)Dresden, 11-13 September. Online Talk Presentation PDF

Invited speaker, Critical Digital Humanities symposium, University of Westminster, May 22-23. Other participants included David Berry, John Cayley, Caroline Bassett, Michael Dieter, Alexander Galloway, Gary Hall, Marisa Parham, Tara McPherson and Patrick Svenson. Abstract Presentation

‘ & Self-Branding. The Metricisation of Scholars and Scholarly Networks’, UCSB Library, Santa Barbara, May 1st 2017. Online Talk Presentation

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Chair – Theory of Practice/Practice of Theory: Thinking Through Making Symposium. Convened by Dr Kamila Kuc and Dr Miriam de Rosa. March 15th, Coventry University. Presentation Intro

Invited participant, Workshop INC – Future Research in the Field of Digital Publishing, January 23rd, Amsterdam.

Podcast interview Zero Infinite #2 Post-Digital Publishing, Institute for Network Cultures 2017. Further contributions by Michael Dieter, Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke.


‘Revisiting the Book Review’. Panel on New Media Gatekeepers at The 11th Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference, Sydney (AUS) 14-17 December, 2016. With Virginia Crisp (Kings College London) and Margie Borschke (Macquarie University). Online Presentation Talk

‘The Ethics Of Emergent Research: Reconfiguring Copyright Through Experiments In Radical Open Access Publishing’. Special Association of Cultural Studies (ACS) Panel on ‘Reconceptualising Copyright’ at the ECREA, 6th European Communication Conference (ECC) – Mediating (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures. Prague 9 – 12 November. With Balasz Bodo (IVIR, University of Amsterdam) and Gilbert Rodman (University of Minnesota). Online Presentation Talk

Part of the Project Team on Social Integration for the Distributed Commons attending the Triangle SCI  2016 Scholarly Communication InstituteIncentives, Economics, and Values: Changing the Political Economy of Scholarly Publishing. Chapel Hill, University of Virginia (US) October 9 to 13, 2016. With Stuart Lawson (Radical Librarians Collective/Birckbeck), Samuel Moore (Ubiquity/King’s College London), Donna Lanclos (Associate Professor for Anthropological Research, J. Murrey Atkins Library, UNC Charlotte), Sherri L. Barnes (UC Santa Barbara Library), Eileen Joy (Punctum Books). Planning documents and reflections: Project proposalWorking documentSlides from summary presentation on the last day of SCI 2016Social Integration for the Distributed Commons blog post;Thinking Critically about Scholarship, Teaching and Learning by Donna Lanclos. A future white paper based on our group’s work at SCI 2016 will likely be part of this liquid book, The Academia.Edu Files

Book stand, interactive books and video streams, with 2 workshops on open access publishing during the AHRC Commons first national event, Common Ground at the Ron Cooke Hub and TFTV (University of York), 21 June. With Rupert Gatti (Trinity College Cambridge) and Gary Hall (Coventry University).

‘Radical Open Access’, Open Access in de Humane Wetenschappen Panel, with Paolo de Assis (Orpheus Instituut), Maarten Delbeke (UGent), Carl Demeyere (UB Leuven), Gwen Franck (eIFL), Johan Rooryck (Universiteit Leiden), Marike Schipper (Leuven University Press) en Saskia de Vries (Sampan), KU Leuven (BE), May 4th. Online Talk

‘Gatekeeping Practices in Academic Publishing’, New Media Gatekeepers Symposium, Coventry University, April 22nd. Online Talk


With Silvia Stoyanova, ‘The Multidimensional Scholarly Archive’, Digital Humanities Autumn School 2015: “Methodological Intersections”, Trier University, September 30. Online Abstract Presentation Talk

‘Bookfuturism: Visions of the Future Book’, Norlit 2015: THE BOOK TO COME. The 13th biannual conference of the Nordic Association for Comparative Literature, Gothenburg, August 20–22. Online Presentation Talk

‘Radical Open Access and the Politics of Publishing. A Genealogy of Affinities and Correlations’, Radical Open Access Conference, Coventry University, 16-06. Online Presentation Talk Video

With Gary Hall, ‘Introduction’. Radical Open Access Conference, Coventry University, 15-06. Online Talk Presentation

‘Liquid Attention and Viral Scholarship’, Publikationsstrategien im Digitalen Zeitalter, University of Basel, 03-06. Online Talk Presentation

Debate panelist (respondent) on the CILIP debate: ‘All access to publicly funded research should be openly available for the public good’. CILIP West Midlands Members Day. Birmingham (UK), February 9th. Online

Expert participant at the SPARC/PLOS Open Access Advocacy Training workshop. The Wellcome Trust, London (UK), January 7-8.


‘Embracing Messiness’. Paper delivered at The Post-Digital Scholar Conference: Open Access, Piracy, and Public Spheres. Part of the panel ‘The Mess that open access has become’ 12.11.–14.11.2014, Lüneburg, Germany. Online Talk PDSC presentation Janneke Adema Reblogged at The LSE Impact Blog

‘Living Books’. Paper presented at Knowledge Machines: The potential of the Digital. Symposium on alternative practices in humanities research. University of Kent, 27th of September. Online Talk Presentation Wiki

‘Entangled knowledge production: academic writing and publishing’. Part of a panel on ‘Feminist Publishing’ organised by Sarah Kember for the Feminist Writing Conference. With Carol Stabile (University of Oregon), Joe Deville (Goldsmiths, University of London), editor, Mattering Press, Andrea Francke and Eva Weinmayr, AND Publishing, and Pauline van Mourik Broekman, Mute. Goldmiths, June 6th, London. Podcast Talk

Round Table on ‘New Forms in Scientific Publishing’. Presented at SymOrg 2014 – New business models and sustainable competitiveness. June 6 – 10, 2014, Congress Center Ratko Mitrović, Zlabitor, Serbia. Talk Presentation

‘Why Write? Feminism, publishing and the politics of communication’, a conversation with Mercedes Bunz, Paulien van Mourik Broekman, Joe Deville, Andrea Francke, Eva Weinmayer, Carol Stabile and Sarah Kember, Friday 31 January 2014 Goldsmiths College, University of London.


‘Practice what you Preach’, presentation for the first Research Café of the School of Art and Design, focused on PhD students and their supervisors, 6 November, Coventry.

‘Cutting scholarship together/apart. Rethinking the political-economy of scholarly book publishing’ Specialist Research Seminar, Coventry university, 28 October, Coventry.

‘Cutting the book together/apart’, Presentation at the Resurrecting the Book conference, 15-17 November, Birmingham. Presentation

Presentation at the seminar ‘Open Access voor wetenschappelijke boeken in Nederland. Praktijkervaringen in het kader van het project OAPEN-NL.’ Utrecht, 22 October. Presentatie

‘Opening up possibilities for critique’. Part of the workshop ‘Open up! The Politics and Pragmatics of Open Access’, organised by Andreas Kirchner (Hybrid Publishing Lab) for the GfM2013 Medien der Wissenschaften conference. With Armin Beverungen, Helge Peters, Marcus Burkhardt, Christian Heise and Nishant Shah. Lueneburg, October 4th 2013. Announcement Talk Presentation

Speaker on the ‘New Open Access Publishing Strategies within Critical Management Studies Panel’, chaired by Armin Beverungen, with Ziyad Marar (SAGE), Simon Lilley, (University of Leicester), Sueli Goulart (UFRGS) and Steffen Böhm (University of Essex) at the 8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies, Manchester Thursday 11th July. Announcement

‘Find a reputable OA publisher – DOAB’. Part of the workshop ‘How exactly do you get your monograph published in open access?’, with Tom Cochrane and Ernesto Priego, Open Access Monographs in the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference, organised by JISC Collections in partnership with OAPEN Foundation. The British Library, London (UK), 1 and 2 July. Presentation

‘The Political Nature of the Boundless Book: On Artists’ Books and Radical Open Access’, Janneke Adema and Gary Hall. Part of the Paperbound panel, chaired by Alessandro Ludovico. Also featuring Lothar Müller and Markus Krajewski, Transmediale festival for art and digital culture, January 30, Berlin. Talk Presentation Online

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‘Open Access in the Humanities and Social Sciences’. Presentation at the Post-digital Publishing Workshop: Publishing and the University – Open Access and Open Learning, organised by Simon Worthington. Also featuring Gary Hall, Geoff Cox and Christian Ulrik and Sean Dockrey. Transmediale festival for art and digital culture, January 31, Berlin. Talk Presentation Online


‘Critical Praxis and the Open Book’, Research Seminar Lecture Coventry University, Coventry, October 16th 2012. Presentation

‘OA Books- Results from the DOAB User Needs Study’. Presentation at The 4th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, (COASP 2012), 19th September 2012, Budapest, Hungary. Talk Presentation Video

‘Why Experiment? A Critical Analysis of the Values Behind Digital Scholarly Publishing’. Presentation given at the 9th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Paris, France, July 4th, 2012, hosted by Sorbonne Nouvelle University  and UNESCO. Part of the panel: ‘Publishing Cultural Studies, Now and in the Future’, with Ted Striphas, Mark Hayward, and Clare Birchall.

‘Digital Publishing in Social Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities’, Presentation given at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, February 9th 2012. Talk Presentation Announcement

‘Reflections on open and mobile art. A Round Table Report’. Presentation given at Panel Discussion as part of Clarke Gallery exhibition The Mobility Project at Meter Room, Coventry, January 21st 2012. Talk Presentation Audio Video


Practice What You Preach. Engaging in Humanities Research Through Critical Praxis. Presentation given at the HASTAC V conference on the theme of Digital Scholarly Communication at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, December 3rd 2011. Talk Presentation

On Symbiosis as a living evolving critique – Presentation with Peter Woodbrige given at the Living Books about Life launch, Coventry, November 22th, 2011. Talk

Remix practices and the perseverance of authorship within Humanities scholarship. Presentation given at The culture of Remix. 2nd International Graduate Conference in Communication and Culture, Lisbon, 13-14 October, 2011. Presentation Talk

Experiments with digital publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS): possibilities and challenges. Presentation given at the Cléo/OpenEdition Second Summer university in open electronic publishing at Université de Provence, Marseille, 14 September 2011. Talk Presentation Announcement Video

On Open Books and Fluid Humanities. An exploration of fluidity, liquidity and remix. Presentation given at The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology, 22 February 2011. Talk Presentation Pictures Video IntroductionQuestionsReply


On Open Books and Fluid Humanities. Presentation given at the conference Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age: Textual Methodologies and Exemplars. The Hague, National Library of The Netherlands, 15 December 2010.Talk Presentation

The Humanities: scholarly communication in flux. The benefits of stimulating Open Access for research and education. Presentation given at The International Conference COMMUNIA 2010: University and Cyberspace. Reshaping Knowledge Institutions for the Networked Age. Torino, 28-30 June 2010. Talk Presentation Video

Open Access, Books and Business Models. Presentation given at The International Conference: Digital Publishing and its Governance: Between knowledge and power. Paris, April 28-30th 2010. Talk Presentation


Recent developments in Academic Publishing. Open Access e-books and Enhanced Publications. Presentation given at The European Library Contacts Working Group. 18th -19th May 2009, National Library of The Netherlands, The Hague. Talk Presentation

Presentation at Brill studiedag, Leiden (Naturalis) 1st July 2009.