Category: Open Access

  • Knowledge Machines: Conference Report and Video Recordings now available

    Knowledge Machines: Conference Report and Video Recordings now available

    On the 27th of September of this year, the Centre for Disruptive Media teamed up with Kent’s TEEME programme to host Knowledge Machines: The Potential of the Digital. A Symposium on Alternative Practices for Humanities Research, at the University of Kent. A conference report is now available which you can find underneath. The video recordings of…

  • Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities: Open Access

    Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities: Open Access

    The Cent­re for Di­gi­tal Cul­tu­res (CDC) at Leuphana University recently started releasing a collection of keywords (from post-media to copyfight), as part of its Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities project. I was invited to submit a contribution on open access, which you can find underneath. All the keywords are available at the CDC website…

  • Embracing Messiness

    Embracing Messiness

    Last week, from the 12-14th of November, I attended The Post-Digital Scholar Conference. Publishing between Open Access, Piracy and Public Spheres, in Lüneburg, organised by the Hybrid Publishing Lab. I gave a paper in the panel ‘The Mess that Open Access has become’, organised by Andreas Kirchner, and including Armin Beverungen (Leuphana University), Martin Haspelmath…

  • Performative Publications

    Performative Publications

    Last spring I worked on a project together with 2nd year design students Nabaa Baqir, Mila Spasova and Serhan Curti to create an alternative take on, or an artist’s book out of the article ‘The political nature of the book. On artists’ books and radical open access’, which was written by myself and Gary Hall…

  • Entangled Knowledge Production

    Entangled Knowledge Production

    Last June, I gave a position paper on feminism, writing and academic publishing as part of a panel on Feminist Publishing, which was convened as part of a larger conference on Feminist Writing by Sarah Kember and Sarah Ahmed for Goldsmiths’ Centre for Feminist Research. The panel also included wonderful papers by Carol Stabile, Joe…

  • Knowledge Machines: The Potential of the Digital. Symposium on alternative practices in humanities research

    Knowledge Machines: The Potential of the Digital. Symposium on alternative practices in humanities research

    TEEME and The Centre for Disruptive Media present: Knowledge Machines: The Potential of the Digital. A symposium on alternative practices in humanities research Saturday, 27 September 2014 from 11:00 to 18:15 University of Kent Grimond Lecture Theatre 3 Grimond Building CT2 7NZ Canterbury United Kingdom Registration: Knowledge Machines is a free one-day symposium…

  • The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (II)

    The perseverance of print-based authorship within humanities scholarship (II)

    Chapter 3 of my thesis focuses on authorship, and you can find a draft of the second part of the chapter underneath. As I stated before, any feedback is of course more than welcome but please take into account that these are just fragments in process which are part of a larger (undefined) ‘whole’. You…

  • Our Take On Disruption

    Our Take On Disruption

      [Reblog from The Centre for Disruptive Media Blog]   Disruption, as a term and theory, has been the subject of much discussion in both mainstream and social media – a level of interest that has only increased as a result of Jill Lepore’s June 2014 article for The New Yorker, ‘The Disruption Machine’. In…

  • Experiments in editing

    Experiments in editing

    On March 7th of this year we ran our first seminar as part of the Disrupting the Humanities Seminar Series at Coventry University, which has been organised by the Centre for Disruptive media. You can find more information about this series here. The videos for this seminar, entitled ‘Disrupting the scholarly establishment. How to create…

  • Experiments in Knowledge Production. Open Access and the politics of the digital academy

    Experiments in Knowledge Production. Open Access and the politics of the digital academy

    Last week Michael Guggenheim (CSISP, Goldsmiths) and Noortje Marres (CSISP, Goldsmiths) convened an event about experiments in knowledge production at Goldsmiths, which included Limn, Mattering Press and Big Data and Society. Noortje Marres introduced the workshops as having two main aims. Firstly its focus is on getting to know more about the three invited initiatives in experimental…

  • Untitled post 2427

    The Centre for Disruptive Media presents Disrupting the Humanities A series of 3 half-day seminars looking at research and scholarship in a ‘posthumanities’ context, organised by the Centre for Disruptive Media at Coventry University, and held over the course of spring and summer, 2014. Disrupting the Humanities will both critically engage with the humanist legacy…