Category: Open Access

  • A Conversation on Digital Archiving Practices

    A Conversation on Digital Archiving Practices

    A couple of months ago Davide Giorgetta and Valerio Nicoletti (both ISIA Urbino) did an interview with me for their MA in Design of Publishing. Silvio Lorusso, was so kind to publish the interview on the fantastic I am reblogging it here. Davide Giorgetta and Valerio Nicoletti are both students from ISIA Urbino, where…

  • A Differential Thesis: Performing Versioned, Iterative, and Processual Scholarship

    A Differential Thesis: Performing Versioned, Iterative, and Processual Scholarship

    This blog has from its instantiation served as a platform to publish, among others, various iterations of my in-progress thesis in networked and multimodal ways in a (relatively) collaborative and interactive setting. It thus served as an experimental digital component to the print-on-paper version of my thesis, which I delivered to fulfill the requirements towards…

  • Radical Open Access Conference

    Radical Open Access Conference

    Coventry University 15th – 16th of June 2015 Two days of critical discussion and debate in support of an ‘alternative’ vision for open access and scholarly communication. The aim of the conference is to explore some of the intellectually and politically exciting ways of understanding open access that are currently available internationally. A particular emphasis…

  • On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part III)

    On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part III)

    Chapter 6 of my thesis explores both the discursive-material practices that have promoted the idea and use of the book as a fixed object of communication, as well as more fluid, flowing visions of information transmission that are commonly attached to digital forms of communication. It focuses on why it is that we cut and…

  • On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part II)

    On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part II)

    Chapter 6 of my thesis explores both the discursive-material practices that have promoted the idea and use of the book as a fixed object of communication, as well as more fluid, flowing visions of information transmission that are commonly attached to digital forms of communication. It focuses on why it is that we cut and…

  • On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part I)

    On Liquid Books and Fluid Humanities (part I)

    Chapter 6 of my thesis explores both the discursive-material practices that have promoted the idea and use of the book as a fixed object of communication, as well as more fluid, flowing visions of information transmission that are commonly attached to digital forms of communication. It focuses on why it is that we cut and…

  • New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part III)

    New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part III)

    Chapter 5 of my thesis focuses on opportunities to intervene in the current cultures of knowledge production in academia and publishing, exploring efforts to rethink and re-perform the institutions surrounding the material production of the book, as well as our own entangled scholarly communication and publishing practices. I focus in particular in this chapter on…

  • New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part II)

    New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part II)

    Chapter 5 of my thesis focuses on opportunities to intervene in the current cultures of knowledge production in academia and publishing, exploring efforts to rethink and re-perform the institutions surrounding the material production of the book, as well as our own entangled scholarly communication and publishing practices. I focus in particular in this chapter on…

  • New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part I)

    New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part I)

    Chapter 5 of my thesis focuses on opportunities to intervene in the current cultures of knowledge production in academia and publishing, exploring efforts to rethink and re-perform the institutions surrounding the material production of the book, as well as our own entangled scholarly communication and publishing practices. I focus in particular in this chapter on…

  • The Monograph Crisis Revisited

    The Monograph Crisis Revisited

    Last week, on the 22nd of January, the report Monographs and Open Access, written by Geoffrey Crossick for HEFCE, was released. I would like to respond to the specific way in which the monograph crisis is described and represented in this report. I want to do so by emphasising the multiple dimensions as well as…

  • Narratives of Book Formation (Part II)

    Narratives of Book Formation (Part II)

    Chapter 4 of my thesis focuses on the genealogy of the (discourse surrounding) scholarly systems of material production and the book as commodity. You can find a draft of the second part of this chapter underneath. As always, any feedback is more than welcome. You can find part 1 here. For chapter 2 of my…

  • Narratives of Book Formation (Part I)

    Narratives of Book Formation (Part I)

    Chapter 4 of my thesis focuses on the genealogy of the (discourse surrounding) scholarly systems of material production and the book as commodity. You can find a draft of the first part of this chapter underneath, including an introduction to the 2nd section of my thesis, which also includes chapter 5, which I will publish…